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Suitable fertilizers for organic farming

Carbo-Eco Algas

Biostimulant based on natural seaweed extract (Ascophyllum nodosum)
Suitable for its use in organic farming. Certified by BCS OKO.

Aplicación foliar y radicular
By composition
Seaweeds Ascophyllum nodosum: 30 % Seaweeds (w/w) - Ascophyllum nodosum.
Contains ´Easily Assimilable Organic Nutrients´
High concentration bio-stimulant of seaweed (Ascophyllum nodosum).
Its use is authorized by the German certifier KIWA BCS Öko-Garantie to be applied in organic farming under the standards: European (EC) nº 889/2008 Annex I (European Union) and American USDA/NOP.
Given its origins, it naturally contains enzymes, hydrolyzed protein complexes and plant development stimulants (auxins, cytokinins and betaines).
Recommended to use in any abiotic stress situation (environmental conditions, culture media,...) that can affect the plant.
Provides better quality higher yield.
Seaweed extract (Ascophyllum nodosum).
General Dosage: Vía leaf: 1-2 l/ha
Vía root: 1-4 l/ha
Organic products

0,5 L

1 L

5 L

10 L

20 L

200 L

1000 L


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