Fabricante y distribuidor de fertilizantes y abonos

Plant recovery affected by stresses due to hydric imbalance, salts or temperature

Stress caused by water deficit or drought occurs in plants that grow in a water-scarce environment, plants also can be affected when the transpiration rate exceeds the water intake, because of high temperatures or high soil salinity. Each of the described single factors may reduce the cytoplasm water content, causing osmotic stress

Saline stress also breaks the ionic homeostasis of plants by causing a toxic excess of sodium (Na+) in the cytoplasm and a deficiency of ions such as potassium (K+).

Information about Hydromax Carbotecnia

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How damages caused by hydric, saline and thermal stress can be solved.

By its specific composition in selectionated Carboxilyc acids, help the plant to adapt and growth in such adverse conditions, lessening the hydric stress effects, in the plant physiology.

!_pietxinfimp https://www.carbotecnia.com/v_portal/informacion/informacionver.asp?cod=251&te=69&idage=1058&vap=0


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Madrid, 28008
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