Fabricante y distribuidor de fertilizantes y abonos
Correcteurs de déficiences
Deficiency Correctors

Manganese solution complexed with low molecular weight carboxylic acids.

Aplicación foliar y radicular Ácidos carboxílicos
By composition
Manganese: 10 % Mn (w/w) - Water-soluble manganese.
Complexed with Low Molecular Weight Carboxylic Acids (L.M.W.)
Solution to prevent and correct manganese lack and avoid decrease of growth and flowering.
Required to cellular respiration and to keep a balanced growth all over the crop cycle.
Favors nitrogen assimilation and protein synthesis.
Enhances formation of root system and plant metabolism.
General Dosage: Vía leaf: 2-4 l/ha
Vía root: 5-8 l/ha
Apply to the beginning of the vegetative activity or to the appearance of the first deficiency symptoms.
Correctors of deficiencies

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Printed informations of the page: https://www.carbotecnia.com/v_portal/productos/productover.asp?cod=39&te=162&idage=2335&vap=0


C/Princesa, 25, planta 1ª, oficina 5
Madrid, 28008
Tfn: +34 91 140 33 02