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Carbotecnia Good std


Nutritional elements solution, natural strengthener that increases the fruit’s performance and quality.

Aplicación foliar y radicular Ácidos carboxílicos
By composition
Nitrogen: 8 % N (w/w) -Total nitrogen.
Copper: 1,8 % Cu (w/w) - Water-soluble copper.
Zinc: 0,6 % Zn (w/w) - Water-soluble zinc.
Manganese: 0,8 % Mn (w/w) - Water-soluble manganese.
Solution that prevents and corrects nutritional disorders related to nitrogen and trace elements deficiencys.
Product formulated with copper (enzymatic synthesis activator), nitrogen (essential protein component), manganese (photosynthesis enhancer) and zinc (protein synthesis enhancer).
It strengthens the natural defenses of plants in order to avoid the development of fungal diseases.
It improves secondary metabolites synthesis (phenolic compounds).
General Dosage: Vía leaf: 2-4 l/ha
Vía root: 3-10 l/ha

0,5 L

1 L

5 L

10 L

20 L

200 L

1000 L


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Carbotecnia brand is innovation in agriculture. The intrinsic quality of our fertilizers, the guarantee and the safety in the production processes is our customers satisfaction.

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